What do a 23rd Century hypercar and a family-friendly SUV have in common? More than you might think. They both turn you into a leadfooted, tailgating sociopath the moment you touch the gas. And they both do roughly the same miles per gallon as a burning oil well. With all that shared DNA, it was only a matter of time before someone left them in a dark showroom to see if they would breed – and the Toros…
What do a 23rd Century hypercar and a family-friendly SUV have in common? More than you might think. They both turn you into a leadfooted, tailgating sociopath the moment you touch the gas. And they both do roughly the same miles per gallon as a burning oil well. With all that shared DNA, it was only a matter of time before someone left them in a dark showroom to see if they would breed – and the Toros is the result.
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