Here is everything we offer for fiveM GTA racing Online.

FiveM Client And A List Of Servers
When on The Server Please Use these Menus
Vehicle Menu: F6
General Menu: F7

We have our own server but we also host on Another Server (Invite only)

Random Races Crew

Would you like to join our regular crew, serious and sportsmanship a must, drop as an email?

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Sumo Remix + Sumo

Get ready for the original adversary mode. Plus Sumo Remix is the successor to the original Sumo game mode from 2016.

Tracks & Race Results

Sumo Remix is an adversary mode in Grand Theft Auto: Online where players compete in cars in a small arena with a shrinking safe zone. The goal is to be the last player standing.
Tracks & Results

Hunting Pack

Hunting Pack (Remix) is an Adversary Mode in Grand Theft Auto Online where players compete in teams to stop or protect a Runner from detonating a bomb

Hunting Pack

The mode was released in August 2018 and features custom stunt tracks and unique vehicle pairings. Some say the mode favours the driver over the attackers.
Tracks & Results


Deadline is a game mode in Grand Theft Auto Online (GTA Online) where up to four players competed on Shotaros in arenas located at notable landmarks.


Players ride Shotaros of different colours that emitted light trails. Players could use power-ups like Boost, Zoned, and Hop to gain an advantage, also force opponents to cross their trail's path.
Tracks & Results

Random + Transform

Random vehicles per lap and transform vehicles several times during the race, Including stunt Transform races, sepecific to cars, planes and Boats.

Hunting Pack

In Known Unknown Races, transform and Random races players switch to a different vehicle at various checkpoints, cycling randomly through a predetermined list until each available vehicle has been utilised
Tracks & Results

Racing Guidelines

All race types have general rules and guidelines. Please take note of these rules for each session you take part in.

Racing Guidelines

1. Break the rules = a warning. 2. Purposely trolling = lifetime ban. 3. Sportsmanship like playing is welcome. 4. respect other players and they will do the same. Finally enjoy the random races racing.
Rules + FAQ'S


All types of racing available, including street races, rally racing and also race tier races.


Please be a good sportsmanship racer, I mean don't be a complete tool, knocking out other players purposely when racing.
Tracks & Results

Fivem GTA Race tracks And Top Classes and Vehicles for GTA

Random Races Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved.

Sumo Plus Sumo remix

Sumo mode in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) is a classic game mode where players compete to control a zone by using strength, speed, or other tactics. Players can earn triple GTA$ and RP for revisiting the mode.

Here are some ways to play Sumo mode:
Ram your opponents: Use your weight and strength to charge at your enemies head-on
Outmanoeuvre your opponents: Use your speed and handling to get the upper hand
Rope-a-dope: Use a rope-a-dope strategy

The goal is to maintain control of the zone.

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Wanted for our fivem gta server

Be a part of our very own pitstop crew, testing out new and existing maps/tracks. Racing to Random races and sumo etc.

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The goal is to maintain control of the zone.