There was a time when the badge stood for something. Party nights in the evidence room. Lobbying for your fourth consecutive rotation through vice. Driving an unmarked Impaler LX through Davis dropping off cash donations to various community projects. The glory days may be gone, but the LX Cruiser is your vehicle of choice for a final lap of honor: if the cops don't have the stones anymore, the crooks are going to have to do it for…
There was a time when the badge stood for something. Party nights in the evidence room. Lobbying for your fourth consecutive rotation through vice. Driving an unmarked Impaler LX through Davis dropping off cash donations to various community projects. The glory days may be gone, but the LX Cruiser is your vehicle of choice for a final lap of honor: if the cops don’t have the stones anymore, the crooks are going to have to do it for them.
21dec(dec 21)7:00 pm18jan(jan 18)9:00 pmGTA 5 FiveM Random Races Event FiveM ServerFiveMFiveM
Officially from 7pm UK Time (But there may be other players there already) Event race details 7pm random races transform Until 8pm 8pm F2F till 8:30PM 8:30pm Sumo Till 9:30 9:30 till 10pm
Officially from 7pm UK Time (But there may be other players there already)
Event race detailsÂ
Subject to change
Host: randomracesuk
Direct Link To Server:
Manual link to find Us:Â Â Â (Just type in random or random races or randomracesuk to find us)
Vehicle Menu Key: F6
Other Menu: F7
When at the race start hub (Area) press e on your keyboard to join, you will have 30 seconds to join.
Basically, you come and join our fiveM GTA 5 Server. The races will be organised by myself.
December 21, 2024 7:00 pm - January 18, 2025 9:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
28dec(dec 28)7:00 pm25jan(jan 25)9:00 pmGTA 5 FiveM Random Races Event FiveM ServerFiveMFiveM
Officially from 7pm UK Time (But there may be other players there already) Event race details 7pm random races transform Until 8pm 8pm F2F till 8:30PM 8:30pm Sumo Till 9:30 9:30 till 10pm
Officially from 7pm UK Time (But there may be other players there already)
Event race detailsÂ
Subject to change
Host: randomracesuk
Direct Link To Server:
Manual link to find Us:Â Â Â (Just type in random or random races or randomracesuk to find us)
Vehicle Menu Key: F6
Other Menu: F7
When at the race start hub (Area) press e on your keyboard to join, you will have 30 seconds to join.
Basically, you come and join our fiveM GTA 5 Server. The races will be organised by myself.
December 28, 2024 7:00 pm - January 25, 2025 9:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
04jan(jan 4)7:00 pm01feb(feb 1)9:00 pmGTA 5 FiveM Random Races Event FiveM ServerFiveMFiveM
Officially from 7pm UK Time (But there may be other players there already) Event race details 7pm random races transform Until 8pm 8pm F2F till 8:30PM 8:30pm Sumo Till 9:30 9:30 till 10pm
Officially from 7pm UK Time (But there may be other players there already)
Event race detailsÂ
Subject to change
Host: randomracesuk
Direct Link To Server:
Manual link to find Us:Â Â Â (Just type in random or random races or randomracesuk to find us)
Vehicle Menu Key: F6
Other Menu: F7
When at the race start hub (Area) press e on your keyboard to join, you will have 30 seconds to join.
Basically, you come and join our fiveM GTA 5 Server. The races will be organised by myself.
January 4, 2025 7:00 pm - February 1, 2025 9:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
11jan(jan 11)7:00 pm08feb(feb 8)9:00 pmGTA 5 FiveM Random Races Event FiveM ServerFiveMFiveM
Officially from 7pm UK Time (But there may be other players there already) Event race details 7pm random races transform Until 8pm 8pm F2F till 8:30PM 8:30pm Sumo Till 9:30 9:30 till 10pm
Officially from 7pm UK Time (But there may be other players there already)
Event race detailsÂ
Subject to change
Host: randomracesuk
Direct Link To Server:
Manual link to find Us:Â Â Â (Just type in random or random races or randomracesuk to find us)
Vehicle Menu Key: F6
Other Menu: F7
When at the race start hub (Area) press e on your keyboard to join, you will have 30 seconds to join.
Basically, you come and join our fiveM GTA 5 Server. The races will be organised by myself.
January 11, 2025 7:00 pm - February 8, 2025 9:00 pm(GMT+00:00)